
Hello everyone! I am Darshil Chanpura, working as a DevOps engineer at IQM Corporation and a geek who is into many things related to many different platforms.

You’ll find me tinkering with Raspberry Pi and similar projects sometimes writing about it here.

My day job is focussed mostly on AWS and managing infrastructure, using or testing different tools like Terraform, Ansible, etc, solving problems and finding easy and efficient solutions wherever possible.

I do work on Go Language, with recent interest in CSS using Tailwind CSS and little bit of JS with Svelte.

I am a full time GNU/Linux User and also love to try out new distros now and then. Most of my work is on GitHub or Gitea. Feel free to contact me by mail (dtchanpura at protonmail dot com) or any of the below.

The blog is statically generated using Hugo with PaperMod theme.

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