Year insights Well a lot of things were really good about this year.
At IQM Corp. I have been given roles for infrastructure and data science. I didn’t know that learning big data tools is easy. The real difficult part is the implementation and the data to work on.
Docker Docker is something which gets mixed up with virtualization but it takes a lot of time to understand it is a Container and it is so different than Virtual Machine....
History Earlier in last decade I was thinking there is a lot of other things than just Electronics and Computers but now I see everywhere any thing you take has a direct or indirect relation with some electronic components.
With this the world has become smaller and people who know these things have become more in turn creating a bigger competition. So even a guy who is having a small idea for an app can just create his app with some clicks and drag-n-drops and no need to learn java or any other programming stuff....
Anyone can code… Time just flies like an arrow. Its been four months in Chennai. Most of the time like 6 out of 7 days in front of a computer learning something or the other. There is a big difference between a corporate company employee and a freelancer.They both have their advantages and also some sacrifices to be done.
I often get that phrase from the movie Ratatouille “Food always comes to those who love to cook!...
After the dusk there comes dawn and same way an Electronics engineer who works a lot away from field needs to visit it sometime…
In some way I came back few days to when I came in touch with “Makers” nearby who were really great working with Arduino and similar things at FabLab in CEPT Campus.
I did knew about ATtiny way back but never shed light on that, as mainly being busy in learning OpenCV and now had much time so working on it....
For those who don’t know what frameworks are I can explain you it as a template. Web-Frameworks are like templates where the bare bone of a website is given you need to append functionalities required and some basic modifications in the framework code. An example of this kind of frameworks is Bootstrap
Frameworks are a collection of components you can use to build a website. You don’t have to write all code from scratch....
In earlier post we discussed about GPIOs and now we will use them with interfacing LCD of 16x2 (I am using 20x4) for displaying Tweets of some #hashtag (#DCPrimeRPi) or @someuser (@dtchanpura) on LCD. I am using a module named Twython which I came across while searching for a tweetbot. Well I did find a Tweeting Bot but never made that on my Raspberry Pi just reinvented and made a small display to show the thoughts about it....
Electronics have been the booming field among most of the fields. Electronics is now a days explained simply as the base of many (I mean all) devices which have an ability do anything smart.
But thats not just true. There are lot many things which are more to Electronics. This is just a way of saying thank you to “Electronics” which I thought I should as I have been using a lot of it now a days....
Being in a person in a field where he has to present his thoughts and his work. Powerpoint or Impress (from Apache or LibreOffice) are pretty good but it needs one of them for presenting. But what if we can make things present without them.
The trio HTML5, CSS3 and JS have really big impact on this generation of Internet/Web. The same way it has converted the web browser not only into HTML parser like showing or displaying websites but a well designed web display and parser....
GPIOs: GPIO is an ancronym for General Purpose Input Output. GPIO is mainly been named for ARM architectural input output pins. Now for using these pins on ARM processor is quite tough as there are many usage of single pin for many different purposes. For example, usage of ALE signal for separating Address and Data from the same multiplexed Address and Data Bus in many general purpose processors like 8085,x86, etc....
So as the title says “What to do after getting a RasPi” the post will lead you to many ways of starting a RasPi (^).
Raspberry Pi is a small computer, but with lesser processing power so we cannot boot a Windows or Other Biggies (:-P directly). So which OSes are supported?
There are most OSes which are working on a normal PC can be ported to Raspi, but with some predefined constraints in terms of speed and performance....